«History and Historians in the Context of the Time» – international bilingual scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2310-6239

Publication frequency – issued once a year.
Issued from 1992.

Number 1. (in 1 part) October 15, 2013

1. Igor A. Melnichuk
Evolution of Worldview and Political Positions of the Senior Elite during Сossack Wars with Рoland in 20-40s of the XVII Century

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2013, Vol. (11), № 2, pp. 68-73.

The article analyses the reasons and consequences of gradual evolution of worldview and political positions of the senior elite in the course of wars between Zaporozhian Army and Poland in 20-40s of the XVII century from the self-identification as a special social group and military caste within Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth till understanding of their liberation mission and formation of autonomous ideology and politics.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1383980231.pdf
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2. Alexander G. Krivokon
Kharkiv Locomotive Plant Establishment as a Prerequisite of Ukrainian Tractor Construction Development (Late XIX – 20s of the XX Century)

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2013, Vol. (11), № 2, pp. 74-79.

The article studies the period of Kharkiv Locomotive Plant establishment till its transition to tractor construction in chronological context and from the position of Kharkiv Locomotive Plant place in the incipient process of the tractor construction development as an industry in the USSR. Organizational, technical, economic and general political analysis of the problem of tractor construction commencement at Kharkiv Locomotive Plant is presented.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1383980299.pdf
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3. Susanna D. Bagdasaryan
Culture of Reading in Everyday Life of South-Russian Peasantry in 1920s

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2013, Vol. (11), № 2, pp. 80-91.

The paper considers the aspects of state Soviet policy of new peasant everyday culture, based on the development of book culture in terms of war against illiteracy of rural population of the south of Russia, analyses the means and ways of cultural revolution events execution in rural society, results of state policy of new Soviet society development.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1383980351.pdf
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4. Sergei V. Yanush, Sergei I. Linets
High Humanistic Directivity of Russian Patriotic Idea

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2013, Vol. (11), № 2, pp. 92-97.

Russia is in high need of professionals, meeting the requirements of international standards, highly skilled, well-informed, legally savvy specialists, patriots of their work, having civil maturity and high moral and ethic qualities. Modern Russian society wants the employers of all levels to have deep understanding of civil importance and social significance of their activities, strong moral and spiritual basis, high cultural behavior. Training of such specialists is closely related to patriotic upbringing, creation of value-motivational core of the society and resource base of Russia’s restoration through the reproduction of a man of culture, citizen, patriot, moral, responsible, composite and spiritual personality, having distinct guidelines, ideas and ideals of the Russian patriotism. According to the president of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin: ‘We need the strategy of national policy, based on civil patriotism. High patriotic idea, the idea of statehood is the backbone, the foundation of the spirituality of modern Russian society and its future.” Nowadays, when Russia ‘gathers stones’ of its history, patriotism as the phenomenon of national spirituality and the component of public consciousness is as crucial for Russian reality as it was many centuries ago. The power of any country is mainly determined by the depth of patriotism of its citizens.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1383980423.pdf
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5. Amiran T. Urushadze
Soviet-German Relations in 1940–1941

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2013, Vol. (11), № 2, pp. 98-107.

In article On the basis of published sources comprehensively analyzes the main stages in the development of Soviet-German relations in 1940-1941. Critically examine some stereotypical assessment, widely spread in the nonfiction works and historiography. Isolated and characterized the main motives and objectives that determined the foreign policy of the USSR and Germany.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1383980478.pdf
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6. Irina G. Tazhidinova
Testimonies of Frontline Concerts of 1941-1945 by Actors and Audiences

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2013, Vol. (11), № 2, pp. 108-116.

The paper examines the specific character of combatants’ leisure activities during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The article, using private sources (private correspondence, diaries, memoirs), considers such form of leisure activities as frontline concerts. On the one hand, recollections of live performances by actors themselves, on the other – impressions and estimations by frontline soldiers are performed. Special attention is attached to the amateur performances by army amateur-talent groups.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1383980541.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1383980559.pdf
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