«History and Historians in the Context of the Time» – international bilingual scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2310-6239

Publication frequency – issued once a year.
Issued from 1992.

2 June 21, 2015

Articles and Statements

1. Alla A. Besolova, Soslan E. Besolov
George V. Baev is a Prominent Public Figure in Pre-Revolutionary Ossetia

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2015, Vol. (15), Is. 2, pp. 64-73.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2015.15.64CrossRef

In the article on the basis of published archival materials is presented the characteristic of an outstanding public figure of the pre-revolutionary Ossetia – George V. Baev. It is proved that Gappo Baev was an outstanding public figure, an enlightened intellectual, lawyer and administrator, a scholar and critic, educator, collector Ossetian folklore. Baev G.V. was remembered by his contemporaries as a man of high culture. He was the initiator of many progressive initiatives, gathering around the multinational intellectuals. Baev G.V. was especially famous on the post of the mayor of Vladikavkaz city. In conclusion it is argued that offered in the beginning of XX th century by Baev the program of comprehensive development of the city was ahead of its time and became the example of constructive civil relations in society.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1437484886.pdf
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2. Nadezhda O. Bleikh
The Basis of the Material Culture of the Highlanders Military Time (Weapons and Fortifications)

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2015, Vol. (15), Is. 2, pp. 74-81.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2015.15.74CrossRef

On the basis of underutilized documentary material in the article analyses the role of material culture of the highlanders wartime (XIII - XVIII centuries), includes weapons and defensive structures. It says that all Caucasian people have thought through a clear system of defense against not only external enemies, but also his countrymen, encouraged by the raids of the feudal elite, need, and personal prowess. So there in the Caucasus almost none of the village, above the buildings which did not dominate combat or residential towers, and on the adjacent territory had defensive walls and customs gate, the cave (rock) fortifications and fortresses, castle complexes of the type. It is proved that the fortification culture of the Caucasian peoples had their characteristic genetic link with empirical housing and therefore was an all positive achievements of ethnic architecture. It is his creative activity, vividly reflected in the monuments of history and culture lived in the territory of the peoples.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1437485201.pdf
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3. Maia Burdiashvili
Episodes from the Life of Kakutsa Cholokashvili

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2015, Vol. (15), Is. 2, pp. 82-86.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2015.15.82CrossRef

Happy people who have the worthy sons to be proud of. The national hero is the pride of the past, present and future of the country, he carries with dignity his heavy burden to his motherland and people. These people leave the neoslavery mark in the consciousness of nation, create a history and influence the formation of future generations. But it often happens that the rumors and different views about famous people negatively set up the society, as a result, their committed heroic acts are in the shadows for decades. Only time and a radical change in political beliefs allow the correct assessment of the personalities of those or other phenomena. With this the company receives the impetus for the reassessment of values and in the future, it may pay proper respect to their heroes.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1437485300.pdf
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4. Razhabat M. Gichibekovа
Russian Policy towards Islam in the Caucasus (XVI–XIX Centuries)

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2015, Vol. (15), Is. 2, pp. 87-92.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2015.15.87CrossRef

In article on the basis of little-known materials are analyzed relations of the Russian Empire with the world of Islam, which have a long history. It is proved that the logic of development that dominated Russian politics XVI-XIX centuries has resulted in a dramatic expansion of the country's borders to the South and East have entered into its composition significant areas with large Muslim populations. The vast number of Royal officials were aware that quantitatively and qualitatively increasing the mass of the adherents of Islam have kept, and will continue to maintain the Sharia, and change something in this direction, "the weakening of Islam" is almost impossible, although attempts to undermine the influence of Islam within the Empire did not stop the authorities until the revolution of 1917, the conclusions that all attempts autocracy to predispose to itself the Muslim world in the Caucasus have not yielded tangible results. The Islamic religion was a strong influence on the internal situation in the Northern region, and the opposition of powerful Christian nation and the reason for this was the large-scale expansion of the Russian Empire.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1437485370.pdf
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5. Ruslan A. Khachidogov
The Genesis of the Study of the North Caucasian Region by the Russian science

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2015, Vol. (15), Is. 2, pp. 93-99.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2015.15.93CrossRef

The article describes little-known materials for the study of the North Caucasian region by the Russian science. It is proved that the merit of Russian scientists was organized and thorough study of indigenous peoples under the direct influence of science. Their activities largely contributed to the establishment in the Russian society objective view of mountain ethnic groups, their history and culture. The author comes to the conclusion that due to the activity of Russian scientists began the study of their homeland by local educators, which was crucial for the development of the culture of the mountain people.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1437485438.pdf
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6. Lyubov G. Polyakova
Social Policy in the Caucasus on the Eve of the First World War (1905-1914 years)

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2015, Vol. (15), Is. 2, pp. 100-105.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2015.15.100CrossRef

The article discusses the social policy of the Governor of the Russian Emperor in the Caucasus the count Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov-Dashkov in 1905-1914 years. As the sources are used the materials from the national archive of the Republic of Georgia, the published report «in eight years of running the Caucasus», as well as periodicals. The attention is paid to the problems of colonization and public education.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1437485509.pdf
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7. Alexey A. Volvenko
Chebotarev A.P. – "the Grey Cardinal" of Cossack Reforms of the Epoch of Liberation?

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2015, Vol. (15), Is. 2, pp. 106-114.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2015.15.106CrossRef

The article deals with the major milestones of life and career of Chebotarev A.P. – Don Cossack General, the deputy chief of the irregular troops of the War Ministry in the 60s of XIX century. The research focus is made on trying to prove that Chebotarev was an important figure (named "grey cardinal") in the program planning of Cossack reforms in preparation the concrete projects on the Don transformations in the epoch of the liberation of Alexander II.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1437485569.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1437485584.pdf
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