«History and Historians in the Context of the Time» – international bilingual scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2310-6239

Publication frequency – issued once a year.
Issued from 1992.

1 March 31, 2016

1. Vladimir B. Karataev
The Military Art and the Black Sea Coastline: the Amphibious Operations at the Mouth of the Psezuapse River in 1839-1840 years

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2016, Vol. (16), Is. 1, pp. 12-20.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2016.16.12CrossRef

The article discusses the military art of the command structure of the Imperial Russian army during the Caucasian war in the Black sea coastline. The article is paid attention to the amphibious operations at the mouth of the Psezuapse river, held in 1839-1840. The materials for the preparation are the archival documents of achival department of Sochi administration. The methodological basis of the research are the principles of objectivity and historicism, suggesting an unbiased approach to the analysis of the studied problems, a critical attitude to the sources, making judgements as a result of the analysis of a set of facts, as well as the display of phenomena in the development and the context of the historical situation. The author comes to the conclusion that during the landing operations at the mouth of the Psezuapse river has been widely applied to military art: a misleading the enemy about the place of landing, the use of boats in the mouth of the river, etc., which helped to keep the personnel of the Russian army. These operations have become the most bloodless during the confrontation on the black sea coastline.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1462959293.pdf
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2. Alexander V. Demidov
Anapa to the Crimean War (1853–1856 years)

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2016, Vol. (16), Is. 1, pp. 21-42.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2016.16.21CrossRef

The article deals with the facts characterizing the degree of involvement of the fortress of Anapa in the supply of Russian troops located in Crimea and Sevastopol during the Crimean war of 1853-1856 year. It presents numerous materials from English, Irish and Scottish Newspapers of the period, which described in detail every event that had a connection to the fortress of Anapa. These foreign sources blend harmoniously with the data from the Russian periodicals, and information stored in the State archive of the Krasnodar region. All the information can be divided into three periods of life of Anapa: before leaving the fortress of Anapa, at the time of its abandonment by the Russian army and after returning of the Russian garrison in Anapa. In the conclusion the author comes to the conclusion that the degree of participation of Anapa to the Crimean war is quite high, despite the fact that geographically it is not located in the Crimea.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1462959313.pdf
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3. Larissa V. Dzanagova
The Activities of the Ossetian Theological Committee in the Caucasus

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2016, Vol. (16), Is. 1, pp. 43-52.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2016.16.43CrossRef

In the current article have been analyzed the missionary and constructive activities of the Ossetian Theological Committee in respect of the religious and moral enlightenment of the Central Caucasian nations. There have been outlined the political, economic and ecclesiastical premises referring to the role of the Orthodox Christianity in establishing and developing of the pedagogical school of the nations settled in the Central Caucasus. In conclusion, the author notes that, beginning from 1740-ies, there is significantly activated the socio-economic and political influence of Russia in the North Caucasus. Kabarda, Ossetia, Ingushetia and Chechnya are voluntarily joined the Russian Empire. This had the great historical significance and played an objectively progressive role in the life of the highlanders. To this period belongs the formation of the school and the policy of Russia in the region. It is connected with the activities of Orthodox missionaries of the Georgian and Ossetian origin, being at the service of the Russian government.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1462959330.pdf
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4. Olga B. Khalidova
Protestants in Dagestan: Dissonance or the Historical Pattern?

History and Historians in the Context of the Time, 2016, Vol. (16), Is. 1, pp. 53-65.
DOI: 10.13187/hhct.2016.16.53CrossRef

Describing the modern Russian society the religious sphere, we can say it widespread Protestant religious associations in it. This fact would not have caused such a lively interest, if it does not touch the national regions of Russian Federation, by which is meant the North Caucasus, in particular, the Republic of Dagestan. It is spread in the country in the second half of the XIX century, the Protestant communities of different directions - Baptists, Adventists, and in the post-Soviet period – evangelicals, Pentecostals, not only became part of the religious paintings of the Dagestan society, but also the subject of public and political debate, and social service. It is called the Russian Orthodox Church to missionary activity among the Muslim peoples of the North Caucasus and Dagestan in the early XIX century. This historical fact is not widely used due to position of the Islamic religion at the time in Dagestan. Transition of ethnic Dagestan people in Christianity was a surprise and challenging for the community in the post-Soviet swept hundreds of Dagestan people. In this context, it becomes legitimate to question the status of Protestants in Dagestan: whether to consider them as a dissonance or still is a normal pattern in the course of history In the present article, through the analysis and historical facts, we did attempt to get an answer to this question.

URL: http://ejournal3.com/journals_n/1462959353.pdf
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